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Envision Benkelman

The Mission of Envision Benkelman, in association with the CRA, is to improve the quality of life for ourselves, our families, and our neighbors by working together on projects and issues that will maintain and/or create safe, affordable housing, support economic opportunities for businesses and residents of Benkelman, enhance the physical image of the area, and instill a sense of neighborhood pride and commitment.

Who We Are

Formed by the CRA, Envision Benkelman is a progressive group of community members focused on improving economic development and achieving community revitalization. It is divided into three committees focusing on quality Jobs, Housing, and Aesthetics. We are all volunteers and welcome you to join us at one of our meetings. 


Affordable and safe housing is an integral component of a community and the goal of the Envision Housing Committee. This committee is moving ahead on innovative ways to provide affordable housing opportunities.


The Envision Job Committee is focused on building a healthy business community in Benkelman. The committee will focus on an economic development plan that maximizes the community’s strengths and minimizes its weaknesses. The ultimate goal is overall growth in town, where businesses can thrive. 


The image of a community is vital to its economic well-being. The Envision Aesthetics committee is responsible for improving how our town looks. The aesthetics team performs small improvement jobs throughout the year, and we welcome volunteers to join us in helping us beautify our community.